
Home → Abstract Submission


Submission deadline extended until 17 January 2025.

To submit your abstract, you need to sign up for the online system. Please create a My Page from the “Create My Page” button below.

After logging in, the author should select the most suitable research topics and material from the pull-down menu on the abstract submission page. Then, please choose your preference for the presentation delivery: oral presentation, poster presentation or no preference. The final decision between oral presentation or poster presentation will be made by the Program Committee.

Notification regarding abstract acceptance will be sent to the corresponding author at the beginning of February 2025.

Late Submissions

Late submissions for poster presentations are welcome. Abstracts submitted after 17 January will only be considered for posters, even if 'oral' is checked.

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Due date: 10 January 2025 17 January 2025

Research Topics and Materials

To decide which topics to submit your abstract, please refer the list of research topics and materials below:

Research Topics
A Growth, Doping, and Wafer Technology
B Semiconductor Devices and Processing
C Material and Device Characterization
D Mechanical Properties and Thermal Management
E Electrochemistry and Biotechnology
F Color Centers and Quantum Technology
G Theory and Simulations
1 Diamond
3 Nano Carbon (CNT, Graphene, Nanodiamond, etc.)
4 Nitride (BN, CN, AlN, etc.)
5 Other Carbon Related Materials
Young Scholar Awards (YSA)

Young scholar awards go to early-career researchers and students who contribute to NCNC2025 with an outstanding oral or poster presentation. The presentations will be evaluated on novelty and scientific merit by the steering committee. Whether the applicant is younger than 35 years or not will weigh in on the evaluation. The recipients of the poster presentation award and the oral presentation award will be notified electronically by the steering committee after the conference.

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